Will I Still Progress Through Online Lessons?

The short answer is yes. Of course the way you learn will be different than in-person lessons, but that is really all it is, a different format of learning. I have found online teaching to really direct learning in a much more specific manner. If we are both looking at the same piece of sheet music rather than simply pointing my finger to the page, we must now talk in terms of specific bars and beats. At first this was a little challenging, but it has opened a new avenue for music learning. Now talking about analyzing a piece, or breaking it down into different sections, allows students to take a more independent and comprehensive approach to understanding the music. 

Of course there are certain aspects that are more challenging. One of the biggest ones for me personally, is not being able to accompany my voice students live. Video technology is wonderful, but unfortunately audio delays definitely still exist. Once again however this has opened up a new venue for learning. As someone who learned piano first and then singing, I am usually very dependent on the piano when I sing. The online format has challenged me to take a more aca pella approach, to help my students develop their voices with a stronger emphasis on collaboration. I can teach you techniques, but I only know my body and instrument. This new format has allowed me to take the perspective of talking with my students about how they are experiencing certain sounds or sensations. And shifting the conversation from “this is what I want you to do,” to “tell me about how this feels for you.” Opening up this dialogue can allow students to really learn about their instrument, and find the best ways to make their instruments work for their unique selves.

So the long answer is still yes. In an online format, you will still learn and make progress, it will just come in new ways.

Ray Billiald

I am not a medical doctor. These posts are all anecdotal, based on experiences through my own learning, understanding and teaching. My musical knowledge is based primarily in the Western classical tradition, which by no means defines the only perspective to learn and understand music.


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